The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | M - Th 11p / 10c | |||
Snoutbreak '09 - The Last 100 Days | ||||
Does anyone else think this whole Swine Flu thing has been grotesquely over hyped? I mean it does echo the SARS and Avian Flu pandemics we were all suppose to die horrible deaths from. Obviously it has killed people in Mexico and the US ( A Mexican child who arrived in the US on 4th April) but the Mexican deaths have been hyped up by mainstream media outlets as a good old sense of panic does wonders for the ratings/readerships. In a country with the population of Mexico a few hundred people dying of even regular influenza is not uncommon especially since many people in Mexico cannot afford health care and it is not provided by the state. That's not to say these people are expendable and the situation they are forced to live in(even pre-swine flu) isn't wrong/unjust it is simply a fact.
Reading the Herald AM on the way to college on Monday I was informed that "SWINE FLU MAY KILL 160m PEOPLE" that is one article from one shitty paper, but most other publications went with the same doomsday approach in their coverage. It's really no suprise that the fine jounalists/broadcasters at the British equivalent of FOX, SKY news have been busy forecasting the apocalypse since the story broke.
And is it any wonder that as soon as stocks and share are worth fuck all,we are told(at an international level) we need to buy anti-viral drugs/vaccines from our friends at GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer and the likes?
A word of advice, don't panic just yet.
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